Monday, May 20, 2019

38. Ass(assin)

My sister, a dog person with a fondness for donkeys, sent me a link to a very revealing video [<--click link] (big thanks go to the shooter and poster).  The Internet has tales and visuals of donkeys and mules going postal on various predators, none of which I care to witness, thanks anyway.  But this video sublimates the same sort of brutality by showing it on a doll — in this case, a jolly-ball. In his playing, the donkey displays all of his species’ combat techniques, from kneeling and crushing, to biting and shaking, to kicking and boxing.  The only reason his aggression is also adorable is because his victim is a toy and no actual animals were harmed in the making of this video.

Sandy, who owns Gus, wonders if this donkey is unneutered and therefore fueled by an abundance of testosterone.  In his gelded middle age, Gus still enjoys a bit of hooliganism with a jolly-ball, even bopping his pasturemates with it in order to egg them into retaliatory play, but I don't think he’s got the killer instinct of the donkey in this video.  Maybe in his studly youth, Gus would have addressed a jolly-ball with equal ferocity?  If so, I think I’m glad those days are behind him.

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