Sunday, December 8, 2019

69. Ready for my closeup

Gus is a shameless ham and social butterfly.  He loves getting attention from — and returning the favor to — pretty much anybody who’ll give him the time of day.  He’s taken a special liking to the daughter of a colleague and friend who has visited him several times and provided many a treat and pat-pat.  His whole asinine face lights up whenever she comes by; they're clearly BFFs.

Back home in New York City, she works for Knopf, publisher of the new book Running with Sherman, about an athlete bonding with a rescued donkey.  For a promo on Knopf’s social media, she proposes a photo with her and Gus and the book.  In loco parentis, Sandy agrees.  So out troop mother and daughter on a gloomy, slushy day for a decidedly unglamorous photo shoot.  Sodden and muddy, Gus nevertheless acts his role — reading the book with his human chum — with passion and panache, and my friend snaps several adorable shots of daughter and donkey.  The posts, on Twitter here and on Instagram here, make quite a splash for Knopf and the book’s author.

For Gus, the 15 minutes of fame don’t matter at all, but the 15 minutes of chumming and treats and photos make his day.


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