Tuesday, August 10, 2021

121. VIDEO: Music news

Videoworthy advances made by the doughty donkey Gus over the past few months include his musical versatility training.  He not only noses the toy keyboard without bashing its underside and flipping it over, but he now plays riffs — eclectic, atonal, postmodern riffs, like a John Cage with hooves, like a George Crumb with foot-long ears.

Lately he’s integrating the bicycle horn, for an even richer tapestry of sound: 

He had a hard time getting his muse around the innovation of going from keyboard to horn and back again, but these days he easily switches instruments without losing his virtuosity on either.  While I usually still have to redirect his attention between nuzzling the ivories and biting the horn bulb, he has begun occasionally picking up the horn On His Own after a piano riff.  His craft is developing day by day . . .

Soon he’ll be ready to add the final element of our orchestral trio:  a hi-hat cymbals set that he can play by stomping on a pedal.  It might take another few months to master and polish for prime time, but reserve your tickets now for a recorded-live concert by Gus’s Sweet-Ass One-Man Band.

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