Wednesday, October 6, 2021

133. VIDEO: A hop, skip, and a thump

Gus catches sight of the big bass drum and he’s nothing but curious.  At first he hopes it’s a new beach ball that he can bop and roll, but he soon takes to the pedal-stomping that makes it thump. 

With the beater attached to the pedal, and with the pedal parked right up next to the drum, it’s a little awkward for him to find and strike the footplate accurately.  Its action is also springier than the hi-hat’s pedal, so the rebound seems to toss his hoof off-kilter a bit, making it hard to keep his foot in a good place for repeated stomps.  But Gus soldiers on.  In fact, he just won’t quit.  After awhile, I have to tear him away and stash the pedal and the drum out of sight.

We’re ready to advance yet again, so our next lesson will be honking the bicycle horn while beating the drum.

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